Not a lot going on in the sewing room over the last couple of weeks, just a few things for CWA - made a few emergency pack bags and closed up some breast cushions which had been filled at the last craft day.
The last thing I completed was the International Doll for CWA. This year's country of study is Iceland, so this is my interpretation of the Icelandic costume known as the Peysuföt, It was worn by many women as their normal everyday wear during the 18th and 19th century. Even in the early part of the 20th century it was still being worn by some older women.
At night I've been working on knitting a teddy bear using the small round loom. I've completed one, and almost done another one, but not completely happy with my pattern so far - all trial and error. Maybe while I'm away I'll do some more and get one fit for photographing.
I've been preoccupied with getting ready to head off on our "big trip". Keep watching in a few weeks for details of where we've been and what we've seen.
Next week we leave for Melbourne, have a few days with our daughter and her family - see The Boo again - then head off up through the centre, taking in the Oodnadatta Track and Old Ghan Track to Alice Springs, then north-west towards Broome and down through WA.